31 Days: We Can All Do Magic

Day Eight: I was at the Niceville Community Christmas festival Saturday evening. There were so many people crowding the parking lot it was almost standing room only, especially near the stage where the school choruses were performing. Little children ran in and out of the shadows, stopping to gape at the lighted displays with looks of amazement spread across their faces. This is magic, I thought.

The feeling of magic didn’t come from the beautiful lights and singing, though they certainly added to the ambiance. The magic was in the interaction. Strangers smiling at each other, looking out for all the toddlers whoever their parents were and genuinely wishing each other well.

We all have the power to do magic. Every time we do a kindness, we have performed magic. You can tell by the look of joy and wonder looking back at you.

See all the 31 Days posts here.

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About Angela Yuriko Smith

Angela Yuriko Smith's blog, Dandi Fluff, is celebrating the 5th year and going strong. Visit & subscribe for opportunities to beta read her latest work, find out about her new published work available as well as news from the publishing community.
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