31 Days: Community

Day Nine: I am lucky to live in a genuine community. A group of people living together in a group is a community, but the interaction is what makes it genuine. When we first moved to Niceville I was surprised at how many charities, clubs and gatherings there were. Now I know that it’s the key to what makes Niceville so nice – the key is a strong community that encourages interaction.

If you aren’t lucky enough to live in a community like Niceville, then build one. We all have the power to encourage interaction. Start a book club at the local library, a coupon trading club, a dog play group… share something you’re passionate about and soon you will be surrounded by a community with the same loves. It starts from there. Community begins with individuals.

This image was taken during the Community Christmas event in Niceville Dec. 6, 2014. See all the 31 Days posts here.

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About Angela Yuriko Smith

Dandilyon Fluff is moving towards its five year mark and is written by those in the publishing industry. Among the regular contributors are published authors, editors, book cover designers and reviewers.
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