Evernote Noveling

evernote phoneOne of my biggest hurdles as a writer is time. I write all day long at my job, but when I get home my time is divided into minute slices separated by dinner, walk dog and be a mom.

Often, when I have five minutes, I would love to scribble down my next paragraph but I know by the time I boot my computer up and sit down, the free moment is long gone.

That has all changed since I downloaded the Evernote app on my phone. When I have a minute I can pop that app open and have two or three paragraphs before the next ‘need to do’ pops up.

Because of it, I have written more in the past three days then I have in the last three months. End of a Gust is well underway, thanks to Evernote, FrankenPC and the phone of awesomeness :)

Write on!

About Angela Yuriko Smith

Dandilyon Fluff is moving towards its five year mark and is written by those in the publishing industry. Among the regular contributors are published authors, editors, book cover designers and reviewers.
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