Can we get back to work now?

019All the fun and excitement is wearing us out and I think we’re all ready to be done with moving and this new era called social life we have been embarking on.

Today was a big day… Ryan got his license and is now Mr. Mobility on his motorcycle.  To celebrate we went to the Billy Bowlegs pub crawl.

There were a lot of guys dressed up in red velvet and eye patches, but the real pirates were the pub owners charging $10 for a pitcher of Bud Light.

With that, I’m off to bed.  TGIF!

Surprise! I had a hot lunch date show up at work today ;D

Surprise! I had a hot lunch date show up at work today ;D

About Angela Yuriko Smith

Dandilyon Fluff is moving towards its five year mark and is written by those in the publishing industry. Among the regular contributors are published authors, editors, book cover designers and reviewers.
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