My weight loss plan this week has stalled due to a packed schedule but it has been worth it. Seeing Trish Land was awesome!
I made no gains or losses this last week due to an overpacked schedule. I missed three workouts and by Thursday, when I had actually gained a pound, was ready to just give up. That is the moment of reckoning in any endeavor. I have learned that the moment when I think I can’t continue on anymore just means I’m on the cusp of a break through.
This coming week I plan to make my workout time a priority. Besides helping take off the pounds I find that it de-stresses me and boosts my energy. No matter how crazy the day gets, I find myself thinking but I worked out this morning and I feel like I accomplished something.
The coming week doesn’t look like anything is going to calm down but as long as I continue with my 310 Shakes, eating sensibly and getting exercise I look forward to reporting gains… I mean losses… next week.