Being social…

the guys swimmingI’ve been a little absent this weekend.  That’s because we’ve been having fun.  I know, we’re a little weirded out by it too ;p

Today was spent cleaning the new house and then cooling off at Turkey Creek Park, our new favorite summertime hang out.  The natural springs are perfect for cooling off on a hot day.  If you walk to the end of the board walk a gentle current will give you a ride all the way down to the bottom.  Along the boardwalk are docks for hopping in… or jump kicking from.

Later I met some friends out for a few drinks.  I can’t remember the last time I went out

The now infamous

The now infamous “flying jump kick dive”.

with friends like that, but it was before I went to Australia.  I was so excited I was actually trembling.  I might try not to wait quite so long for next time.  Ryan was off doing something else that I can’t reveal quite yet, but it’s pretty awesome.

So far it’s been a fun weekend and we haven’t even gotten started yet.  I could get used to this ;D


About Angela Yuriko Smith

Dandilyon Fluff is moving towards its five year mark and is written by those in the publishing industry. Among the regular contributors are published authors, editors, book cover designers and reviewers.
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One Response to Being social…

  1. Tarah says:

    Glad you finally taking some time out to enjoy yourself!


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